Remember ME - You Me and Dementia

Monday, March 8, 2010

' my life' : A tribute for World Women's Day

I was born,
a woman was there to hold me.......... my mother

I grew as a child......
a woman was there to care for play with me.......... sister

I went to school.....
a woman was there to help me learn....... teacher

I went wrong in college
a women was there to help me to girl friend

I became depress, whenever I lost
a woman was there to offer a shoulder ............ my wife

I became tough......
a woman was there to melt me.......... daughter

I started my own venture...... 
a women was there who believed & supported me friend & colleague

When I will die
a woman will be there to absorb me in.......... motherland

Salute to all the Women's, without you this world would have been hell.

Forget yourself for others, and others will never forget you.

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